André López

André López is a multidisciplinary Artist, Tattoo Artist, Creative Mentor, and Arts Educator. André’s intention is to inspire creative expression and to share Art that encourages community healing, collective liberation, and Love. In his work, André believes that when we tap into the truth of our hearts, we become free once again. Guided by the idea that “Art Liberates and We are All Artists.” André has created two works titled: “Peace Will Guide the Planet” and “Love Will Steer the Stars”.

Reflecting on his project and the opportunity to exhibit his work at a large scale in the TTC, André mentions, “I am honoured. I hope my art brings positivity to this city.” Tackling the challenges of perfectionism and believing in his art enough to share it has been something André has had to overcome in this project. Pushing through these obstacles, he focuses on the idea that “There are no rules in art, and I have nothing to prove.” He is excited about the programming this project will support him in offering and looks forward to sharing art and playshops with the community.

@sunofaquarius on Instagram